WALT find information in the text.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will look for information in what we have been reading. 

STUDENT VOICE " I know how to find answers in the book".


WALT think about sounds in words as we write.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can work out how to spell a word by thinking about the sounds. 


Te Reo

Learning Intention: We are learning to sing " Singing In The Rain" and perform the actions.

Success Criteria:
Sing as a group
Listen to others
Join in with the actions

Teacher Comment: Well done singing and performing the actions. It was great to see you doing all the moves.


WALT write sentences that make sense.
SUCCESS CRITERIA My sentences sound right.

STUDENT VOICE " I can write sentences that make sense"


WALT make a balance and hold it.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can create a balance. 

STUDENT VOICE " I can make a balance with Elliot and we can do it together".


WALT know about taniwha and use them in our Art work.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can talk about taniwha and use them for an art sample.

STUDENT VOICE " I know how to make a taniwha art picture".

Te Reo

WALT sing waita with correct pronunciation
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can do the actions and sing the words in Te Reo. 

STUDENT VOICE " I can sing the words to the songs and do the actions".

Physical Education Year 2

WALT bounce and catch a ball.SUCCESS CRITERIA We can aim where we want the ball to go then have our hands ready to catch it.

STUDENT VOICE " I am really good at bouncing and catching a ball just like my Dad".

Music Year 2

WALT clap and move in time to the music.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can move our body in time to the Music.

Reading Year 2

WALT know many basic words.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We know the basic words when we need to read them.


STUDENT VOICE "  I know lots more words than I used to". 

Writing Year 2 Term 1

WALT think about sounds in words as we write.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will think about the beginning, middle and end sounds in words that we are writing.
STUDENT VOICE " I can work out how to spell words by thinking about the sounds I need". 


Learning Intention
We are learning to count the objects to solve addition and subtraction sums within 10.

Success Criteria
Count the objects
Share your answer
Show how you got your answer

Teacher Comment
Fantastic to see you at the jellybean table when your group was called. I like how you are using the teddybears to check your answer.


Learning Intention
We are learning to create a starfish position for floating on our backs and fronts

Success Criteria
Spread Arms
Legs Apart

Teacher Comment
What a super starfish Jeramiah. Strong arms. You will float well. Your next step is to spread your legs to help you balance in the water.
Learning Intention

We are learning to share our ideas about the CARE Values in the classroom

Success Criteria
Put equipment away
Handle the library books with care

Teacher Comment
What a great way to show Respect in the classroom by treating the library book with care. Well done Jeramiah!